You Are More Powerful Than You Realize

It’s Time to Step into Your True Purpose

Your Original Nature has been Suppressed Long Enough. It’s Time to Let that Witchy Wise One out of Hiding!

»  You are sick of being too busy to nurture yourself or connect deeply with people in your life.

»  You’re hearing yourself say “I’m fine” as if it’s someone else’s voice.

»  And you’re losing tolerance for making small-talk because you long for those real, soul-level conversations.

You’ve Experienced Some Magic in your Life...

»  But you’re nervous to talk about it because you don’t want to be judged as being “woo-woo”.

»  You want to embrace your spiritual power, but what will people think?

»  You worry that you’ll grow apart from your partner or family in the process.

»  And you’re not sure where to start anyway… you can’t exactly ask at the local college or the church!

I Understand. I’ve Been There Too.

I’m well-practiced in the art of people-pleasing and living up to others’ expectations. I have marched blindly toward goals I didn’t set for myself, feeling lonely and dissatisfied. I’ve known the feeling of being so far removed from what I really want that I’m no longer sure what that is.

In fact, just a few years ago when a friend asked me “what do you really want?”, all I could come up with were shoulds and society’s expectations. Damn, I still feel angry tears stinging in my eyes when I think back to that time! I had lost sight of my dreams and my bigger sense of purpose. That was the moment I knew something had to change, and I began my search for who I really am underneath all that conditioning.

When I Was A Child...

I felt like I could talk to the trees and the animals, and I was connected to a sense of aliveness and spirit all around me. I would play in the forest near my home for hours. I gradually lost that sense of wonder and connection, through years of schooling and standardized testing. You can probably relate!

It wasn’t until half-way through my Master’s Degree that I started to feel an old spiritual calling again. But by that time I couldn’t remember how to access it. I was afraid of judgement and worried about my reputation as a professional.

Fast-forward a few years and I was working as a therapist at a mental health clinic connected to the hospital. As the team discussed diagnoses and medications and how to push more clients through the system more rapidly, I began to lose my passion for the work. I sat across from my clients and realized I wasn’t any happier than they were.

What I had in common with my clients and others in my life was a profound longing for more quiet time, more freedom, and more deep conversations. We were all craving more time in Nature. We craved authentic connections that inspired us to do better. I was craving that old feeling of magic, wonder, and belonging that I had as a child.

Clinical psychotherapy was no longer enough. I began working with a shamanic teacher, learning wiccan practices, and discovering the ancient wisdom that was absent from my education. 

My whole reality was turned upside down as I discovered my own indigenous lineage and the true history of my people. I learned about my Welsh witch ancestors and the role Spirit played in their lives prior to being colonized by the Romans. 

As I followed this instinctual path I learned how to incorporate magic into my life and my healing work, like my ancestors before me. I rediscovered a deep sense of belonging in the world.

I now know my personal power and how to use it for healing. I have stepped up as a medicine carrier and now it’s time to help others on their journey. It’s time for YOU.


I have a Master’s degree in Psychology and years of experience in clinical mental health counselling. That might sound fancy to some and boring to others, but the important part is that I am comfortable with all the feels… sadness, fear, anger, you name it.

I’m not a ‘love and light at all costs’ kind of person. We simply cannot bypass the shadow stuff. But I will hold safe space for you to transmute that shit!

I have also done Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy training, learned Shamanic healing, and apprenticed in the Wiccan practices of Earth stewardship, ritual, and practical magic.

I combine these magical and nature-based practices with my clinical psychotherapy background to offer a unique form of counsel and consulting.

Together We Will Get You Calm & Connected. I Can Help You:

»  Discover your own power and how to tap into it to create the life you want

»  Get consistent in your practices

»  Develop deeper, more meaningful connections in your life

»  Overcome fear, including anxiety and panic

»  Start living aligned with your soul purpose

When I'm Not Working...

with my beloved clients I can be found playing with my fuzzy Norwegian Fjord Horse (we love to wander out on the trails looking for wild herbs and berries), taking road trips in my campervan, and sitting by the ocean.

I’ve always been a lover of photography… I carried 40 rolls of film to Australia in my backpack before the days of digital photography! And I love dancing my heart out, especially at summer music festivals.

And perhaps most importantly, I’m a huge “coffee snob” forever on the hunt for the perfect latte!!

I Want to See the World Become a More Loving, Conscious, and Reverent Place

Where humans understand their personal power, sovereignty, and interconnection. I believe we all have the power to heal ourselves and the world, and we can do that by developing a consistent practice that works with our natural cycles, honors the Earth, and helps us deepen our relationships.

Ten 10-Minute Rituals for Today

Get your complimentary copy of:

The Handbook of Practical Magic for Mental Health