† Get In Touch With Me Darling
I Would Love To Hear From You!
Thanks so much for your interest in featuring me for your interview or q&a session/other
I’d love to! And I’m so honored that you thought of me! Please know that I don’t do telesummits (no hard feelings – they just aren’t my thing).
Having participated in many events and interviews, I’ve seen some less-than-stellar ways that some people run projects like this, and I’d like to be a part of changing the outdated way that many people are running these types of JVs. I hope that we can all focus on collaboration and quality, not on list numbers and metrics.
So I have a few ground rules (ick – rules, right?). I have these in place because I think it’s a little obnoxious to be asked about my penis size list size before considering whether you want to feature me. Trust me – it’s big enough to get the job done I also hate being told what to do, and will not be able to comply with requests that demand that I email my list x number of times on x dates. Just not my style. I’d prefer to share organically in a way that makes sense for my business (and I’m very happy to do so – I love showing off places where I’m featured and helping my Uncaged Life audience find new and amazing people like you)
You check out my guidelines here in detail here, and if we’re a fit, holler back and let’s get ourselves scheduled in!
1. Do interviews (audio/video/written) – LOVE chatting with people about all things Uncaged!
2. Do Q & A’s – woop woop – so much fun!
3. Promote via 1 tweet to my twitter list
4. Promote with one post on Facebook (I heart Facebook so hard)
5. Provide a mini course of your choosing as a giveaway (they’re awesome, and usually paid products)
1. Send out a separate email to my list about the interview
2. Do any special content creation in preparation for the interview
3. Create any other freebies for your audience
4. Give out the size of my email list
5. Give out the size of my social media followings (you can look this up easily)
6. Become an affiliate of any program that I have not personally taken (but I’m happy to check it out and give it the green light!)
Spelling out these policies in advance just helps everything go much smoother, so we can focus on helping your audience in a way that works best for both of us!
If you’re cool with these policies, hit me back and we’ll set it up!
xo becca
Before You Email, Check Here...
» If you would like to work with me, please check out my services page… you can book your first appointment directly through these links!
» If you’re writing to ask if you can interview me or have me join as part of your program, I’m honored! Please check out my policies around this and get in touch if all looks good!
Rise Into Your Power
Get The Handbook of Practical Magic for Your Best Life and discover ten 10-minute rituals to help you plug back into your calm, consistent, connected life right now.

Welcome Darling!
I’m Llyn. I believe in reclaiming ancient wisdom, magic, and personal power. I weave magical and nature-based practices together with my psychotherapy training to offer a unique form of counsel and consulting. I help people who feel overwhelmed and disconnected develop meaning, presence and connection in their lives
I know this matters to you because you’re someone who isn’t satisfied with the surface level status quo. You want to be consistently present for yourself and others, with meaningful, authentic relationships, and tapped into your own power to heal and make a difference.
And I know how hard it can be in this world…
Note to self: make this background a parallax image of amathyst or nest or something, and replace the image of me with one where I’m looking at the camera and smiling
Our Society is So Focused on Producing, Consuming, and Caffeine-fueled Images of “Success”.
It’s hard break out of this cycle. I mean, you need to fit in and perform to some degree, right? You might want to escape to a tropical commune where you can dance and paint and eat fresh fruit all day but it’s not a practical option. So you get lost in the busyness of life along with the masses, and you never have enough time to truly nurture yourself or connect deeply with people in your life. You’ve got no time to just sit and reflect.
I see you darling. You know that you are interconnected with the whole Universe and you’ve seen a little magic in action in your life, haven’t you? Maybe you’ve even had a spiritual awakening. But you’re nervous to talk about it because you don’t want to be judged as flaky or “woo-woo”. You want to embody your authentic power, but what will people think? And besides, chances are nobody has ever shown you how to connect to ancient spirit and tap into this power in the first place. So you stay stuck to some degree in this unconscious life, run by habits and the expectations of others.
It’s getting a little out of hand.
Note to Self: Use an image where I’m looking away or more distant from camera; or a scenic – maybe birdsnest? No CTA

It's Time to Return to a more Natural Rhythm
The good news is that more and more of us are striking that magical balance of functioning in the world, but also tapping into spirit, resurrecting ancient wisdom, diving deeper in our connections, and raising others up along the way.
This is why you’re here, isn’t it?
This may be your next move… the next part of your journey.
I’ve been waiting for you!
Note to self: make this background a dark parallax image of feathers or nest or something, and replace the image of me with one that is compelling – direct eye contact (holding antlers?)
Ten 10-Minute Rituals for Today
You are more powerful than you realize. It’s high time for you to step back into your original nature. It’s time to let that witchy wise one out of hiding.
Download The Handbook of Practical Magic for Your Best Life: